Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the ACT Region Veteran Golfers Association (ACTRVGA) Incorporated.
Date: 14th October 2019.
Venue: Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club
The meeting commenced at 1:15 pm. There were 77 members in attendance.
Apologies: Ron Merritt, Dianne Moir, Joan Pritchard.
The President, Alan Chrisp opened the meeting and called for a minutes silence in memory of the members who had passed away during the past 12 months. Recently deceased members mentioned were Rod Peters and John Turner.
Minutes of the 2018 AGM: The minutes as published on the ACTRVGA website were taken as read and this was confirmed on a motion moved by P.Sydney and seconded by D.Porter. There was no business arising.
Correspondence: David Marron (Secretary) stated that correspondence received during the year consisted of:
- Literature and invitations for various seniors and veterans Golf Tournaments including the 2019 AVGU annual Championships in Tasmania
- Annual return request from ACT Government
- Insurance renewal
- Local golf clubs on playing program
- AVGU – Changes to memberships of various state committees
Presidents Report: Alan Chrisp (President) presented his annual report. This has been available to members on the ACTRVGA website. He acknowledged the voluntary work done over the year by fellow committee members in running the organisation and weekly competitions and congratulated the championship winners and winners of the other significant annual competitions and trophies. Alan reminded members of the vacancies on the committee and called for volunteers and mentioned that the ACT was scheduled to hold the National Championships in 2022. This year the championships are being held at Launceston in Tasmania.
Alan announced that Joe Gunning has now filled the position of ACTRVGA Treasurer and that Grant Verco was joining the Committee.
The motion for the adoption of the Presidents Report was moved by Andy Jamonts and seconded by Ron Hickman and carried.
Treasurers Report: Alan Chrisp (acting Treasurer) presented a Treasurers report including the statement of accounts and financial report as had been published on the ACTRVGA website.
It was noted that the ACTRVGA finances are in a healthy financial position and were carrying a slight surplus at the EOFY.
The end of year raffle was a huge success and very profitable.
It was unfortunate to report that ACTEWAGL had withdrawn its sponsorship to ACTRVGA for 2019/20 and this has put the annual raffle in doubt.
The motion to adopt the Treasurers report was moved by A. Jamonts and seconded by R.Hickman and carried.
The audited Financial reports for 2019/20 F/Y were presented to the meeting
Alan (on behalf of the members) thanked Paul Scollen for his work as honorary auditor for the year and for his volunteering to continue in the role as Hon. Auditor for the 2019/2020 F/Y.
The motion to accept the presented audited financial reports and appoint Paul Scollen as auditor for 2019/20 F/Y was moved by R.Hickman and seconded by M.Greep
Captains Report: Chris Morgan (Captain) presented the Captains Report to the meeting as had been published on the ACTRVGA website.
Chris thanked the Committee for their support over the year and acknowledged the support from the various clubs we play at each week.
He spoke about the 2020 program and advised that there would be some small green fee price increases.
It was possible that extra games will be played at Federal and Royal Canberra in 2020.
No games will be played at Cooma or Capital
Players were asked to exercise some due diligence on the booking sheets by removing their names if they are not playing or their partners are not playing.
He stressed the importance of “Pace of Play”, the 3-minute rule for lost balls and keeping up with the group in front.
The motion to adopt the Captains report was moved by A.Booth and seconded by A.Jamonts and carried.
Committee Elections: There was no requirement for an election of the Committee at this AGM. As per the rules of the Association the current committee continues until the next AGM in 2020.
The ACTRVGA Committee for 2018 /2020 is:
President Alan Chrisp.
Secretary: David Marron.
Treasurer: Joe Gunning
Captain: Chris Morgan
Public Officer Roger Mackay
Committee: Alan Booth, Roger Mackay, Brian Holley, Andy Jamonts, Peter Sydney, David Porter, Marian Blake and Grant Verco together with ex-officio Committee members Mike Greep and Ian Wallace.
General Business:
2022 AVGU National Championships – Canberra
Alan Chrisp (President) advised the meeting that the 2022 AVGU Championships planning had begun.
The ACTRVGA was looking at using Royal Canberra and Federal for the 4 ball played on the Monday and 3 other courses for the stroke events during the rest of the week. These possibly would be Yowani, Gungahlin possibly Gold Creek or Murrumbidgee. It was hoped that Federal could be used during the week as well. Negotiations with these clubs were underway.
He mentioned that we would be looking closely at the championships in Tasmania 2019 and Yarrawonga 2020 for ideas for 2022.
He stressed that this was a huge opportunity to promote Canberra as a great golfing destination.
It was also stated that we would need assistance to run the championships possibly from an organisation like “Go Golfing” and that major sponsors would need to be sought and locked in. Many volunteers for the ACTRVGA would be needed to paln and run this event.
Adoption of Local Rule:
Alan Chrisp on behalf of the Committee put forward to the meeting the idea of adopting a new Local Rule (as allowed in the 2019 Rules of Golf with penalties) for balls lost and balls hit out of bounds.
This was carried by a majority of those present at the meeting and will be adopted in the 2020 season.
Meeting Closed at 2:05pm.
David Marron
Secretary ACTRVGA.