Playing Conditions


Normal stableford rules apply.  Players should pick up when the maximum number of strokes on the hole has been exceeded.


Played as a two-person event, where the best stableford score of the two is scored on each hole.

Where there only three players in the group, the player with the lowest handicap will be the swinger. ie, will partner each of the other two players.

Irish Best Ball Stableford. 

Played as a stableford event with team of four.  The best two scores of the four players are recorded on each hole and tallied up at the end for a result.  


Our Ambrose competitions are played as a Four Ball event. Through the green, balls may be placed within one club length of the selected ball (one card length when on the green), no nearer the hole.

Each person must record a minimum of 3 tee shots with drives recorded on the score card.

Ambrose is scored as a stroke event and handicapping is as follows: –

Two Players in group –         1/4 of aggregate stroke handicap

Three Players in group –       1/6 of aggregate stroke handicap

Four Players in group –         1/8 of aggregate stroke handicap

Each player must have his or her name and handicap recorded on the card. At the completion of the event the card is counter signed by another member of the team. Total gross and net scores are shown on the card and the team with the lowest net score is the winner.


The best score for the last nine holes on the card shall be used.  If there is still a tie, the last six holes, if still tied the last three holes. If a tie persists, then hole by hole scores shall be taken backwards from the 18th hole.