Logging in
Click the Online Bookings link on the top of the page. This takes you to the Login Page where you can enter in your username and password. If you enter incorrect details, you’ll be prompted to check a few basic things. If you still cannot log in after checking those details, you can reset your password following the instructions under the Forgotten Username or Password section below.
Forgotten Username or Password?
If you have forgotten your username or password:
- Go to the Login Page and click the Forgotten Your Username or Password? link under the password box. This will take you to the Password Reset page.
- On the Password Reset page, enter in the email address which the system has on file and click the Reset My Password Button. This will cause an email with your username and a link to reset your password to be sent to you.
- Note that if you enter in an email address which is not in the system, no email will be sent & you will be prompted about whether you have entered in the correct email address. Correct any typing errors in the email address and try again. If you are sure you entered in the email address recorded in the system for you but you are still getting the error message (or if you do not have access to that email address), send an email to the webmaster for help
- Find the reset password email in your email inbox and open it (if you cannot find it, check your junk mail or spam folder).
- If you remembered your password but had forgotten your username, your username will be in the email.
- If you had forgotten your password, click the link in the email to reset your password (or copy paste it into your browsers address bar), enter in your new password twice, and click the Change my password button.
- Go back to the login page and try to log in again with the username you just recovered or the password you just reset.
Updating your email
When logged in, you can change your password using the My Account link on the top right of the page. Once you are at your account page, you can type a new email address, and then click Save Changes.
Changing your password
When logged in, you can change your email address using the My Account link on the top right of the page. Once you are at your account page, click the link which says click here to change your password.
Logging out
If you are on a public or shared computer, it is recommended that you click the Logout menu item at the top right of the page, but otherwise it is not required.
Once you click Logout, you will be shown a page which confirms that you have been logged out.
If you do not click Logout, you will be automatically logged out after couple of weeks (some “privacy tools” may cause you to be logged out sooner than that).